Sunday, January 26, 2020

Morality And Ethics In Law Enforcement

Morality And Ethics In Law Enforcement Ethics is defined as study of moralitys effect on conduct: the study of moral standards and how they affect conduct. Morality is accepted moral standards; standards of conduct that are generally accepted as right or wrong. The paper will attempt to show dilemmas that law enforcement agencies face and why it is necessary for the law enforcement agencies to establish efficient and effective guidelines for law enforcement. It will show that it is also important to consider the ethical perspectives of the general public as well. The primary responsibility of the law enforcement agencies is to work for the benefit of the society and serve the community but law enforcement agencies have to make sure that their actions and policies are in conformance to the ethical standards of the society and do not violate any ethical or moral principle. Theories of Moral and Ethical Behavior Most ethical theorists start from a point which looks at what is being judged or evaluated as good or bad, right or wrong, and they usually look at one of two things: the inherent nature of the act and the consequences of the act. The theory of formalism was developed by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Kants approach to ethics begins with an analysis of ulterior motives. Something could look good, and really be bad; and vice-versa, something could look bad, and really be good. Kant then proceeds to analyze the acts of Good Samaritans to see why they do good things for complete strangers. What is important is whether or not the Good Samaritan is doing the good thing out of the kindness of their heart or whether they expect payment, glory, or the return of a favor. Only if something springs from a desire to do well with no expectation of reward or benefit, can we truly say the goodness of an ethic has been achieved. The question then becomes: Under what circumstances will people sincerely d o good with no expectation of benefit? Kant says the answer is when people are doing their duty and the concept of duty becomes an important part of ethical formalism. Utilitarianism was developed by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). Benthams approach to ethics makes extensive use of the pleasure principle which holds that humans are always predisposed to maximize pleasure and avoid pain. The root word in utilitarianism is utility which means useful. If something is useful in the short-run, then that is called act-utilitarianism. If something is useful in the long-run, then that is called rule-utilitarianism. Benthams second book (Bentham 1780) became a foundational document in utilitarianism and introduced the notion of a hedonistic calculus which was meant to distinguish things with social utility from things that are selfish. From 1791 to 1794, Bentham actively campaigned for his model prison based on what would become the philosophy of punishment known as deterrence. Deterrence is likewise divided into individual or specific deterrence and societal or general deterrence. Specific deterrence often takes the form of an older principle called incapacita tion. The idea is to make it impossible for an individual to commit another crime, at least while theyre in prison. Specific deterrence calls for inmates to be closely guarded and monitored at all times. In fact, Bentham proposed a type of prison system known as the Panopticon design. The principle here is that others will want to avoid criminal behavior because of the example provided by punishment. A person is punished not so much because they deserve it, but in order that others will not be inclined to do the same or similar thing. This kind of goal makes prisons as responsible for crime prevention as police are expected to be. Ethics in Policing The vast majority of police officers are honest and ethical but all of them pay the price for decreased public confidence and trust when there is little respect for police ethics. Public perceptions affect all of policing, go to the heart of police role in society, and involve ethical issues. Trust is the main ethical issue in this approach to police ethics, and in learning about trust, we also learn about other irrational forces in society, like fear. This kind of focus on police ethics is also a focus on societal ethics. Facts make little difference here, as it doesnt matter whether we can trace the roots of public mistrust to any specific event; what matters is perception, and how those perceptions influence the morality of a nation as a whole. An ethics code is an absolute necessity for law enforcement agencies. They provide an ethical and moral compass for personnel. An example of a well written code is the following: Criminal Justice is a scientific discipline and those who teach, research, study, administer or practice in this discipline subscribe to the general tenets of science and scholarship. They also recognize that the discovery, creation, transmission and accumulation of knowledge in any scientific discipline involves ethical considerations at every level. The Code of Ethics of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) sets forth 1) General Principles and 2) Ethical Standards that underlie members of the Academys professional responsibilities and conduct, along with the 3) Policies and Procedures for enforcing those principles and standards. Membership in the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences commits individual members to adhere to the ACJS Code of Ethics in determining ethical behavior in the context of their everyday professional activities. Activities that are purely personal and not related to criminal justice as a scientific discipline are not subject to this Code of Ethics. The General Principles contained in this Code express the values and ideals of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences for ethical behavior in the context of the professional activities of individual members of the Academy. The general principles should be considered by members in arriving at an ethical course of action in specific situations, and they may be considered by the Ethics Committee and the Executive Board of the ACJS in determining whether ethical violations have occurred and whether sanctions should be applied. The Ethical Standards set forth enforceable rules for the behavior of individual members of the Academy in specific situations. Most of the ethical standards are written broadly, to provide applications in varied roles and varied contexts. The Ethical Standards are not exhaustiveconduct that is not included in the Ethical Standards is not necessarily ethical or unethical. The Ethical Standards should always be interpreted in the context of the General Principle s. Violations of the Code of Ethics may lead to sanctions associated with individual membership in the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, including restrictions on or termination of that membership. (Code of Ethics, 2000) Personal codes of ethics are prevalent within the police community. This can be like a firearm; personal codes can be dangerous but have many benefits. An example of a personal code is the following: Therefore, my code of ethics would begin with the following statement. 1. Always maintain the highest integrity, honesty, and impartiality. 2. All current laws, be they federal, state, or local jurisdiction must be maintained and upheld. 3. Be of equal mind when dealing with all of my duties whether enforcing the law, or teaching the application. 4. Will not discriminate against a person based on their, gender, race, religious credo, social background, or disabled status. 5. Will maintain confidentiality within the boundaries of the law. 6. Never use my position to garner favors, nor imply that favors could be gained. 7. Will support and follow the Bill of Rights and our constitutional rights as outlined by our founders. 8. Understand and recognize that this code of ethics is a guide to be able to create and maintain an atmosphere of safety for those involved in the Criminal Justice system. (Mathewson, 2008) Duty consists of the responsibilities attached to a role; discretion is the ability to choose between two or more courses of action; and discrimination occurs when a group or individual is treated differently for no justifiable reason. These three terms are discussed together because they shed light on the problem of what is the right thing to do when it is so often the case in policing that there is no flawlessly right thing to do. Ethics in Corrections Trying to imagine society without an established legal system of punishment is quite difficult. Inflicting pain may not be the best way to get somebody to change. To inflict pain deliberately, and to do it right, requires that some morally acceptable way be found of doing it. It is a must to raise important moral questions about the appropriateness of a punishment institution in order to reduce dilemmas. Prisons as an institution symbolize the ultimate punishment that society can impose upon anyone who breaks the law. However, the moral and ethical issues associated with prisons go beyond the law, and include the why and how of prisons. The why and how questions correspond to John Rawls two rules for justifying punishment. The assumption has always been that studying prisons reveals much about how a civilization is to be judged. As society evolves, it is expected that prisons will simultaneously evolve. Therefore, the social and moral issues associated with corrections are intimately connected with the social and moral issues that a society faces. That is one reason why there have been so many shifting and changing correctional policies. As societies change, corrections change. The key point here is that there are few standpoints to really judge the why of prisons morally or ethically. There are few ethical principles that truly allow the study of whole penal systems and their place in society. Take away the offenders and youve lost your rationale for punishment. On the other hand, there is no shortage of ethical systems which easily permit us to see criminals punishment as deserved. For us to see this, we usually need to see some how regarding the actions that occur in prisons. Ethical Leadership Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. One of the more basic ethical problems with leadership is the management-line personnel divide. This divide is basically a case of jealousy in organizations based on an underlying sense of unfairness in how others became managers. It is the problem of administrators being disconnected from the front line predicaments and little things at the bottom which causes administrative policies to be split from reality. This is the great divide that nobody talks about, and thats an ethical dilemma. Another great dilemma is the question is it better to be loved or feared? All organizations have a power dimension and an authority dimension. It is easy to see the authority patterns in such things as the chain of command, but it is not always easy to spot power patterns. Power can be defined as any leadership behavior which influences the values, beliefs, or climate of the organization. Power forces people to change their minds about something, not simply out of persuasiveness or force, but out of sheer, blind, realistic, accommodation to the fact that there is no other way. Max Weber, the famous sociologist, said there were three types of power: charismatic, traditional, and legal-rational. French and Ravens The Bases of Social Power extends that typology into five types of power: legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent. Legitimate is based on a subordinates belief that the superior has the right to give orders, not just on the basis of rank, but on the basis of legitimacy, a sense of right, or socio-legal obligation. Reward is based on the a bility to bestow formal or informal rewards, such as pay, promotion, praise, recognition, special favors, or overlooking rule violations, personal idiosyncrasies, and ethical lapses. Coercive is based on the ability to punish, recommend punishment, or make punishment happen by engaging in rumor, harassment, mental abuse, or making someones work difficult or unpleasant. Expert is based on a subordinates belief that the leader is a true expert and one in whom confidence is placed without question because they have attained special knowledge and are also familiar with the tasks performed by followers. Referent is based on friendship, liking, respect, admiration, or the desire to emulate and be like the leader not just because of charisma but because of a belief that the leader will come to their rescue or aid at some time of great need. The delegation problem is perhaps the biggest problem in criminal justice leadership, since delegation is what allows lower-level employees to get things done. There is a right way and a wrong way to delegate as a leader. The most commonly repeated saying in textbooks is that you never delegate without giving away authority. When you delegate some of your administrative tasks to a subordinate, you are actually giving away responsibility. The problem often arises, however, that this subordinate doesnt have the authority or power to obtain the needed compliance or cooperation from co-workers. Thats a lack of authority. To get beyond this paradox, most modern principles of delegation say that you should only delegate things that are part of your subordinates professional development. According to Jack Kuykendall and Peter Unsinger, The Leadership Styles of Police Managers, not enough delegation goes on in criminal justice agencies. Subsequent research has shown it to be more commonly re placed by micro-managing. Basically administrators in criminal justice seem to prefer keeping their hands in just about everything. The most frequently used styles of leadership in criminal justice are the telling-selling style and the participating-selling style. The telling-selling style uses a little more two-way communication and the leader is concerned about employee buy-in to the decisions that have been made. The participating-selling style is frequently seen when the administration see the workforce as a whole demonstrating average levels of maturity, competence, and willingness. This style will not work, however, where there are regular disciplinary matters. In conclusion, there is no one right leadership style for all situations. Your perception of people and the organization will dictate your choice of styles. Leaders must be flexible, always assessing how important it is for the organization to be relationship oriented or task oriented. A lot of police administration wil l tell you that an administrator should not fraternize with the workers off-duty. It may be that in criminal justice what is needed instead is more getting together on and off the job, as long as the proper boundaries can be sustained.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Pc&D Inc Essay

When in February 1976 Martell received the letter from McElroy, he was not surprised a lot. All the problems that had occurred over time, and punctually postponed, now appeared. When Martell was elected as the new president of PC&D, he brought his â€Å"entrepreneurial spirit† that quickly spread across the organization. This had a positive effect on the company, especially in terms of profitable growth. In fact it led to the creation of 11 entrepreuneral subsidiary, of these 4 had successfully been merged into the company. This allowed to Electric Division, to double its sales, during 1971-75 period going from 193. 6 million to 561. 4 million(of these 179. 2 arising from the new subsidiary),and also the sales of the Machinery Division have been overcome, 440. 6 million in 1975 (Exhibit7) . However, this result had not come without cost. First about 60 million by the end of 1975, of these a small part was achieved through the retained earnings, but much was new money raised in the form of long-term debt. Further, stock issued to capitalize subsidiaries and to pay bonuses to entrepreneurs had a diluting effect on of PC & D’s shares, due to exchange one-to-one. The situation could worsen if other companies were merged into the company, because the number of shares issued would be significant if you think that the avg. Stock price in 1975 is $ 238. During last years, the company has recorded an impressive growth, as well as in sales than in size. Byside some problems that can affect the future growing of the company arise. The company, as a result of various mergers, has lost flexibility. Martell’s focus on finding â€Å"wild ducks† turned against him. People requested by the president has by nature, an advantage and cons. In fact they can be great challenges’ s lovers and be entrepreneurs of small growing companies, but they are not suitable for large divisions and hardly want to share their ideas. In addition, this caused additional costs. Each Subsidiary has its own functions, it has led to a situation where there is no cooperation and sense of belonging to the company. The company’s growth is not a shared objective, but it is focused only on certain activities. It would be appropriate to create synergies among subsidiaries centralizing functional areas such as mktg and manifactuing, in order to cut costs and increase the focus on more profitable subsidiary already merged in the Electric Division. The turnover in this way it would be alleviate. It is also necessary to act on employee’s morale. Thus, following unified strategy, which aim is to increase the efficiency on two divisions and to lay strong foundations for the future growth, also the pay system should be reviewed. The Machionery Division had a compensation schemes based on 90% salary and 10% bonus on ROI while the other division was based received 2/3 of the salary as a bonus based on growth in revenues. A new compensation schemes which its aim is to increase the worker’s responsibility,( in part based on a fixed percentage given by salary plus bonus both general, as an increase in ROI, or specific, such an increase in sales or in the subsidiary’s ROI), could help the future growth of the company. By creating a common goal, it will be possible to create a collaboration atmosphere among the labor force. Furthermore thanks to a fairly incentive, based on achieving â€Å"easily† goals, as bonus in sales, it will be possible to increase employee’s morale. In particular, with regard to R&D’ function, it could be merged into one common area for the two divisions. Whit the union of this area, and leveraging on new incentives to â€Å"lock† talents, the company would distribute the degree of innovation and research within the two divisions. Into this new area could be set up several working team, headed by the most talented, in which they will be assigned different goals such as how to evaluate growth opportunities, or, look for new innovations for the two divisions and so on, but also a task on the control of production, in order to ensure the highest quality. In fact, the Machinery division see more and more seller move elsewhere due to the product’s perceived low quality. With the introduction of a new common functional area, it will be possible to give a positive impact on the overall costs and also, thanks to small working team, to preserve the â€Å"wild duck† spirit. In the recent years, Martell has given a greater focus on growth and the importance of innovating. But, it has created a contradiction on the implementation of the strategy. Concentrating all on the research and development of new ideas, the core business was left out. These, risk being out of the market, due to the high percentage of defective products, that be gradually abandoned by their sellers. Martell will have to follow a single strategy for both divisions, implementing new functional areas and creating an unique remuneration and incentive plan, based on goals that can be achieved by team, made up of the talents that the company has attracted to itself during the time, it will be possible to create cooperation aimed to support the company’s growth, as whole. But before, it will be necessary invest in the Machinery Division as required by its VP, 100-125 mil in 2-3 years. In this way, the original division will be able to confirm its dominant market position in the long term. It is important to remember that great part of company’s revenues were recorded just from this division. Martell should also review the Grennan’s position. Since he was put in head of the Electric Division, costs related to mktg, G&A and other engineering expenses are out of line. Products with estimated time of obsolescence of 4 years show a BEP of 6 years. In addiction new products show losses due to customer returns. Although Grennan has prepared a new plan of action, some decision should be taken regardless. The new opportunities offered by subsidiarie will be put into the background. Before it’s necessary to redefine the company so that it is stabilized on solid basis and it will be able in the future to support further growth plans, also incorporating other subsidiarie.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Poem “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe Essay

This is a magnificent piece of poetry. The hypnotic monotony of rhythm reflected the speaker’s frame of mind. The poem is clearly about the sorrow he experienced over the death of his wife and her ideal, spiritual love. The raven, being a symbol of death, and the lines, â€Å"Other friends have flown before-On the morrow he will leave me as my hopes have flown before,† meant that he was afraid death might abandon him, leaving him comfortless. Then he sits in front of the bird wondering why the raven croaked â€Å"Nevermore†. The raven is trying to tell him â€Å"she shall press, ah, nevermore†, but he thinks the bird is lying because his grief is so great, and he doesn’t believe that Lenore’s death is final. When he realized that the raven is trying to tell him that her death is final, he becomes angry and upset. He begs the raven to tell him if she is in heaven, whill the angels love her and take care of her the way she should be. In the last four lines of the poemwhere â€Å"the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting,† and the shadows that â€Å"shall be lifted-nevermore,† mean that the raven is a symbol of the wisdom and knowledge that he will always have memories of Lenore, but that her death is final. He will always mourn her.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Analytical Information Technology (Ait) - 2417 Words

Business Intelligence (BI) The financial services industry is rapidly changing. Factors such as globalization, deregulation, mergers and acquisitions, competition from nonfinancial institutions, and technological innovation, have forced companies to re-think their business. Many large companies have been using business intelligence (BI) computer software for some years to help them gain competitive advantage. With the introduction of cheaper and more generalized products to the market place BI is now in the reach of smaller and medium sized companies. Defining business intelligence â€Å"Business intelligence is the process of gathering high-quality and meaningful information about the subject matter being researched that will help the†¦show more content†¦Think of the BI infrastructure as a set of layers that begin with the operational systems information and Meta data and end in delivery of business intelligence to various business user communities. These layers are illustrated in Figure below. Applications in an enterprise Business intelligence can be applied to the following business purposes, in order to drive business value. 1. Measurement – program that creates a hierarchy of performance metrics and benchmarking that informs business leaders about progress towards business goals (business process management). 2. Analytics – program that builds quantitative processes for a business to arrive at optimal decisions and to perform business knowledge discovery. 3. Reporting/enterprise reporting – program that builds infrastructure for strategic reporting to serve the strategic management of a business, not operational reporting. 4. Collaboration/collaboration platform – program that gets different areas (both inside and outside the business) to work together through data sharing and electronic data interchange. 5. Knowledge management – program to make the company data driven through strategies and practices to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoptio n of insights and experiences that are true business knowledge. In addition to above, business intelligenceShow MoreRelatedInstitutional Animal Care And Use Committee ( Protocol 13-070 )1438 Words   |  6 Pagesconducted using 1% agrose gel, 1x TAE buffer, and ethidium bromide to be viewed on the ultraviolet transilluminator (Bio Rad, Hercules, CA) using the VisionWorks software (UVP, Upland, CA). Amplicon library prep with a 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) and next generation pyrosequencing (MiSeq, Illumina, San Diego, CA) will be completed at University of Illinois, W.M. Keck Center for Biotechnology. 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